Unique System features
Simultaneous capture of image z-stacks comprised of 9 separate, aberration- and chromatic-corrected focal planes
Perfect temporal alignment across each z-stack eliminates ambiguity inherent to sequential z-sectioning
Rapid acquisition of z-stacks, up to 35 stacks per second
Simultaneous two color imaging (green and red channel)
Stage top incubator chamber for temperature, humidity, and CO2 control
System specifications
MFM Gratings
100x/1.45, 515nm emission, 400nm Z-plane separation
100x/1.45, 600nm emission, 400nm Z-plane separation
100x/1.45, 680nm emission, 400nm Z-plane separation
405 nm
488 nm
561 nm
635 nm
Dichroics (used with LED white light source, single wavelength illumination)
DAPI-1160B (Semrock)
CFP-2432C (Semrock)
FITC-3540C (Semrock)
TRITC-B (Semrock)
Cy5-4040C (Semrock)
Dichroic (used with laser excitation, multi wavelength illumination)
Di01-R405/488/561/635 (Semrock)
FF01-525/45 (Semrock)
FF01-593/40 (Semrock)
FF01-676/37 (Semrock)
100x NA 1.45 Oil (Nikon) - for MFM imaging
60x NA 1.4 Oil (Nikon) - for wide field imaging only
60x NA 1.2 Water (Nikon) - for wide field imaging only
20x NA 0.75 Air (Nikon) - for wide field imaging only
iXon3-DU897E EMCCD (Andor Technologies), one for each color channel
System Limitations
The field of view in multi-focal mode is limited to ca. 20x20 microns (100x magnification). Larger field of view is available in single focal plane mode.
Sample is illuminated in epi-fluorescent mode (i.e. illuminated along Z axis), which can cause issues with out-of-focus fluorescence beyond desired 2D stack depth.
Epi-fluorescent illumination may require optimization to further reduce fluorophore photobleaching or phototoxicity.
Ability to distinguish 9 focal planes relies on the multifocal grating, which causes a 20-25% reduction in detection efficiency compared to typical widefield fluorescent techniques.
Spatial resolution is diffraction limited, and dependent on microscope configuration (i.e. objective and excitation/emission wavelength
Suggested Reading
Abrahamsson, S., Chen, J., Hajj, B., et al. (2013). Fast and sensitive multi-color 3D imaging using aberration-corrected mutli-focus microscopy. Nat Methods (1). 10, pp 60-63